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Easy Tips for Smooth Spine Surgery Recovery

Spine Surgery Recovery

Keeping a steady road to spine surgery recovery is essential to a healthy spine post-operation. Individuals that decide to undergo minimally invasive spine surgery should consider preparing for the recovery period just as thoroughly as the procedure itself. At Spine Solutions, we can help you prep an effective and careful plan to accommodate your lifestyle for the smoothest spine surgery recovery. Here are some tips we recommend keeping in mind post minimally invasive spine surgery:

Set realistic goals and expectations

Like any part of the human body, your spine needs time to rest and heal after a minimally invasive procedure. Your energy level and mobility will be affected by the recovery process, so plan to make arrangements for extra helpful hands to be around through a reasonable recovery timeline. Depending on the surgery protocol, your surgeon will be able to guide you as to how long your road to recovery will realistically take.

Listen to your body

After surgery, your body will be experiencing new sensations to alert you it is healing. You may feel increased aches and soreness around affected areas. These sensations let you know that your body is reacting to the surgery and transitioning into a healthier state. Though aches may become normal to your recovery period, don’t ignore intense pain. Be sure to contact your surgeon if severe pain persists, so the excessive discomfort can be nipped in the bud.

Prepare your home

With limited physical capabilities, it is important to be cognoscente of your surroundings and living situation post-surgery. Ask yourself a variety of questions regarding crucial rooms in your house: Will my bed be comfortable to access? Are my recovery medications in close proximity? How far is the bathroom from my rest area? Will I need pre-prepared meals to get me through the beginning stages of recovery? Prepare a home integration plan with your healthcare team to ensure your living area will be conducive to recovery.

Our team of experts at Spine Solutions is dedicated to making sure our patients effectively recover from a spine procedure. Call us at (954) 329-1769 or email us at for more information on how to achieve a smooth recovery from minimally invasive spine surgery.

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